About the inventor
M.Sc. Dieter Kofler - Back expert
Have you already had the unpleasant experience of back pain? Then you are probably aware of how desperately you want to get rid of this ailment. It is astonishing that almost one in three adult Central Europeans is regularly or even chronically plagued by back problems, and the need for effective support is enormous.

My name is Dieter Kofler and I am a trained sports scientist as well as an expert in the field of back health. In the course of numerous further education courses in the fields of back training, functional training, movement and posture school as well as personal development, I was able to benefit from the outstanding knowledge of some renowned experts in the field of back health.
My personal story is: 'If I can do it, so can you!' Ever since I was 25 years old, I suffered from back pain on and off. Therefore, I started early to look for answers to the questions: 'What are the causes of back problems, and which training and therapy approaches are useful?'
At the age of 25, when I was at the peak of my career as a bobsledder in the Italian national team, I suffered a slipped disc during training. During this challenging time, I decided to educate myself. I deepened my knowledge by reading numerous books by recognised back experts and attending training courses and seminars. All this in order to find out the real causes of back problems and to explore new, but also proven therapeutic approaches.
Along the way, I tried all the well-known training methods such as yoga, Pilates, physiotherapy, back schools, osteopathy and more. However, it became clear to me that every person has their own individual problems and weak points. Therefore, no method can be equally suitable for everyone. At the same time, I realised that sustainable success can only be achieved if you actively do something for your health.
This is how the idea for the tendo back training device came about. By identifying my own weak points and targeted training with tendo, I have managed to ensure that today, at the age of 54, I rarely suffer from back pain.
My mission is therefore to empower people to take care of their own back health so that they can live a vital and powerful life on their own terms, with the highest quality of life and performance, independent of doctors, painkillers or other passive methods."